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Coronavirus update June 2020

In response to the ongoing threat of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are closely following the advice from the UK Government. The safety of our customers, staff and wider community is our number one priority.


As we work closely with clients who may have existing and underlying health conditions but who rely heavily on the services we provide, we MUST ensure that we continue to offer all clients ‘business as usual.’  In addition to the advice from NHS England, we want to provide some clarity for our customers regarding the extra measures we are taking right now.


Our engineers are advised to rigorously wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water, sanitise them before starting work and when possible at every property they visit. If they deem necessary, they should wear disposable gloves as much as they can, gloves should then be disposed of after each visit and hands washed before leaving site. Engineers have been supplied with hand wipes and sanitiser in case washing facilities are unavailable or unsuitable.  Additionally, engineers are advised to:


  • actively discourage shaking hands; carry out contactless greetings
  • clean and disinfect frequently touched parts on the lifts as well as surfaces such as door handles
  • not get paperwork or devices signed (unless client uses own pen) and will instead take pictures where appropriate
  • ask clients to remain 2 metres away whilst they are attending to the stairlift or ideally stay in another room, supporting social distancing.
  • to wash their hands after handling packaging etc.
  • to check the latest advice online



  • All staff’s temperature to be taken and recorded to ensure no symptoms are present before leaving site.
  • Office staff and engineers to ask client’s if they or anyone they have been in contact with have symptoms of corona virus and discuss precaution to be taken when entering anyone’s home.
  • Facemasks to be worn if necessary and requested by client.


As the situation continues to develop we will be updating our website regularly and promoting the same message on Social Media.  If and when the time comes that we need to take extra measures, we will do so in the most responsible way as advised by the right authorities.


Thank you for your cooperation and ongoing support during this difficult time, as you are all aware COVID-19 is an unprecedented situation that we are adapting to daily.



Lisa McDonald

Easy Lift Stairlifts, trading as LMC Electrical & Stairlift Services Ltd.

01207 503600
[email protected]